About Epsilon™

Epsilon Limited is a private limited custom Software development company, formed in early 2017 with a vision of beginning a new era in enterprise software development. The Epsilon team is made up of highly qualified, talented and innovative IT professionals each with their own area of expertise. Our experience spans the full range of custom software development, from small enterpreneurial projects to complex systems for major corporations. We believe in working in partnership with our clients to understand their unique needs and working methods.

HRM Solution

Detailed and secured web based HRM solution

ERP Solution

Integrated applications to manage the business

Hospital Management

Complete automation and data archiving

E-Commerce Solution

Buy and sell over electronic network, the internet

Mobile Application

Apps according to the need of your organization

IT Consulting

Advising on how best to use information technology.

Product Features

What we can provide for your organisation to make your business
easier and smoother

Paperless Office

Provide a work environment where the use of paper is eliminated or greatly reduced by converting documents into digital form


Security and Access Control

High and effective security and complete access management system for all kind of software



Each of our solution is rich with customized and detailed reporting in every section in multiple formats


Leave and Attendance

Automated leave and attendance management system compatible with all attendance devices


Payroll and Benefits

Payroll, income tax, provident fund, loan management with detailed functionality


Mobile App

Compatible mobile application with each solution. Access your system from your mobile



Manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout the customer life cycle


Finance & Accounting

Detailed finance and accounting functionalities


Our Service

We are providing custom solution build specifically for your organization. Our solution will cover all of your business requirement, in the way you like it. The EPSILON combination of the extensive domain expertise and experience will help you extract maximum value from your custom solutions


Customized software development


Advising on how best to use information technology


Provides Training with certificates

Cloud Hosting

Reliable and affordable Cloud hosting for your organization


Post implementation support for implemented solutions


Modification of software for improving performance

Why Epsilon?

Our solution will cover all of your business requirement, in the way you like it. The EPSILON combination of the extensive domain expertise and experience will help you extract maximum value from your custom solutions.

Our solutions offer high levels of protection through securing confidential data from unauthorized access and modification using complete access management and password encryption along with SQL Injection and Cross-site Scripting prevention.
Epsilon offers emergency fixes, platform monitoring, software technical support, end-user issues handling, change and release process management, ongoing application maintenance, enhancement according to client needs and support services after implementation.
Epsilon offers world class customized solutions for your organization in a reasonable and fair price along with future enhancement. This amount will be based upon the agreed-upon conditions, promised quality and timeliness of contract performance.

Our Clients

Some of our valuable clients who are currently
using our solutions

Have a question or need a custom quote?

Want to know something more? Feel free to call us +880 1635857480~3